How to Deliver Maplestory M Meso?


Maplestory M Meso is the currency of Maplestory M, the only delivery method is via Trade Station. Once you purchase Maplestory M Mesos at, our team will contact you via email ASAP, please make sure your email is correct.

The Delivery Process:

Step One: Go to Trade Station (level>=35).

Step Two: Choose a item to sell, set a Special Sale Price (we will send email to tell you, list the price as we request).

Step Three: Your item will show up in trade station within half an hour, once it show up, please take a screenshot and offer it to us via email, and the equipment of the item can be used.

Our team will check and buy your item asap once we get the information from you, any question feel free to contact us via live chat, our customer service is 24 / 7 online.